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Could you be West Bradford's next Lengthsman?

The Lengthsman carries out a really important job, making sure that the village of West Bradford is kept clean and tidy, and is a place...

Parish Council achievements during 2024

Throughout 2024, members of the Parish Council have once again been working hard to protect the interests of West Bradford residents. ...

Vacancy for post of Parish Clerk

A vacancy has arisen for the post of Clerk / Responsible Financial Officer for West Bradford Parish Council. Details of the role, and who...

Parish Council Precept - 2025/26

Each year, the Parish Council is obliged to consider whether to raise its precept (the sum of money that Parish Councils charge their...

HARP - update for residents

On 26 June 2024, the Parish Council received a briefing from HARP representatives on the current status of the project. Members found it...

D-Day Commemorations - 6 June 2024

On Thursday 6 June 2024, national events will be held to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings. In West Bradford, a...

Sad News

Members of the Parish Council were saddened to hear of the death of its former Chairman, Mr Brian Bristol, who died after a shorth...

Parish Council Precept - 2024/25

Each year, the Parish Council is obliged to consider whether to raise its precept (the sum of money that Parish Councils charge their...

It’s been a busy year!

When parish councillors met for the first time during 2023, on 25 January, they took some time to reflect on the previous 12 months. The...

Proposed increase in the parish precept

Each year, the Parish Council is obliged to consider whether to raise its precept (the sum of money that Parish Councils charge their...

New date for next Parish Council meeting

Residents will be aware that meetings of the Parish Council are held on the last Wednesday of each month (other than in July and...

Book of Condolence

Buckingham Palace has announced that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has died. A book of condolence has been opened at St Catherine's...

Survey - Anti-Social Behaviour

The Parish Council has received an approach from the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire, who is making the issue of Anti-Social...

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