Throughout 2023, members of the Parish Council have once again been busily working to support the residents of West Bradford. Key activities undertaken on villagers’ behalf include:
another successful entry to the Lancashire Best Kept Village competition, with West Bradford being Highly Commended in the Championship Village class as well as gaining numerous recognitions in the various Outstanding Features categories;
responding to Ribble Valley Borough Council on several planning applications submitted within the parish;
reporting 4 matters of concern relating to highways to Lancashire County Council for action;
successfully lobbying Lancashire County Council to (i) stem the potentially unsafe flow of water down Eaves Hall Lane onto Waddington Rd, and (ii) undertake repairs to the wall between Hippings House and Clitheroe Rd;
representing the interests of the village in discussions with various statutory bodies on the forthcoming HARP project, which will have a major impact on the village when work commences in 2025;
implementing improvements to the surface of the Straitgate footpath at the gate to the field;
replacing the village’s tired old notice board on West Bradford Rd with a new one;
progressing efforts to establish legal ownership of the Pinfold;
erecting a memorial stone on the Coronation Gardens to commemorate the coronation of King Charles III, and also participating in the community event held to mark the occasion;
continuing the campaign to keep the village (and especially the Coronation Gardens) free from dog mess;
appointing a new Lengthsman;
securing prompt remedial action by a contractor whose vehicle had spilled concrete on Waddington Rd;
purchasing / displaying additional remembrance poppies around the village to commemorate the Armistice;
acquiring new pads for the defibrillator on Westfield Drive / Grindleton Rd; and
appointing a new parish councillor (Roger Marsden) to replace the long-serving former parish councillor Marilyn Wood.
If any resident has a query about any of the above activities, or has a suggestion for tasks which the Parish Council could undertake to support the village moving forward, please feel free to contact the Clerk (Andrew Glover) on 07968 486729 or