The Lengthsman carries out a really important job, making sure that the village of West Bradford is kept clean and tidy, and is a place that residents can be proud of.
A vacancy has arisen to act as Lengthsman for the village of West Bradford from Spring 2025. Ideally self-employed, but with support / equipment / instruction provided by the Parish Council, you will be expected to work an average of around 3 hours per week from Easter to September. However, more hours will be required in May / June, prior to the entry for the Best Kept Village competition each year.
Duties are varied, but include sweeping the roadside verges, general tidying and possibly strimming.
The gross rate of remuneration is £15 per hour.
This is an excellent opportunity for any resident who is physically fit to contribute to the upkeep our village, whilst enjoying the fresh air. And you meet some very nice people in the course of your duties!
For further information, please contact the Chair of the Parish Council (Andrew Bristol, 07704 701061) or the Clerk (Andrew Glover, 07968 486729).