It's now just over a year since the previous newsletter was published, and it is my great pleasure to report that this 12-month period has been one of the most productive in re-cent memory. Parish Councillors have worked hard on a number of initiatives in-tended to improve the quality of life for local residents – some of these are discussed in more detail overleaf, but they include:
the erection of the war memorial along with a ceremony of dedication
improved garden area at the Coronation Gardens site
a well-attended event featuring the lighting of a beacon to commemorate the centenary of the end of the Great War
lobbying to ensure that much-needed resurfacing work was finally carried out on Grindleton Road
real success in the Lancashire Best Kept Village Competition 2018, with the village winning a number of prizes including overall winner of the Small Village cate-gory.
None of this could have been achieved without your support, for which members of the Parish Council are always grateful. For instance, residents’ contributions to the cost of the war memorial exceeded £3000, a fantastic and generous effort. 2019 looks to be an equally busy year, and parish councillors have a number of ideas which they would like to develop (see overleaf for a flavour of what we have in mind). However, we are always keen to better understand residents’ views on the village and changes that could be made.
If you have any comments, please contact any councillor or the Clerk and let us know your thoughts.