Throughout 2024, members of the Parish Council have once again been working hard to protect the interests of West Bradford residents. This year, key activities undertaken on villagers’ behalf include:
16 planning applications considered, with 6 written consultation responses being submitted to Ribble Valley Borough Council;
5 matters submitted to Planning Enforcement officers at Ribble Valley Borough Council;
7 referrals to Lancashire Council regarding problems with highways in the parish;
Highly Commended (ie placed 3rd or 4th) in the Small village class of the Lancashire Best Kept Village Competition;
successful completion of an internal audit process, as well as securing exemption from the national external audit;
compliance with data protection requirements by formally registering with the Office of the Information Commissioner;
in preparation for the HARP initiative, began to develop closer working relations with key United Utilities staff;
supported a local event to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings;
continued efforts to establish the Parish Council's legal ownership of the village Pinfold, culminating in submission of required legal documentation to Land Registry;
began researching the acquisition of 3 x stone signs at key village access points, including the securing of grant funding from LCC’s Parish and Town Champion;
continued its campaign to keep the wider village (and especially the Coronation Gardens and Westfield Drive sites) free from dog mess;
monitored work of the new Lengthsman;
acquired a new battery for the defibrillator at the junction of Westfield Drive and Grindleton Rd, which has been maintained by a village resident;
lobbied the County Council to secure additional grit bins around the village;
pursued a formal complaint against Ribble Valley Borough Council for alleged non-compliance with its own planning policies (when numerous objections were submitted collectively by residents);
successfully secured assistance of the County Council to remove fallen tree on footpath from West Clough to Heys Farm (FP03444016);
challenged the Borough Council on the high charges unilaterally imposed for grass cutting within the parish;
responded to the Borough Council regarding the Review of Settlement Boundaries and Revision of Facilities/Services Data Within Settlements;
secured a new waste bin from the Borough Council to replace an old and overflowing one on Clitheroe Rd;
sought provision of a roadsweeper from the Borough Council to remove autumnal leaf debris;
reported a pest control issue reported to the Borough Council;
redwood tree acquired (to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Borough Council);
considered (and participated in) a range of other formal consultation exercises as appropriate;
flag flown on all relevant civic occasions;
Xmas tree acquired, dressed and removed;
Remembrance Sunday service held; wreath laid; banner erected; and poppies displayed around village;
fuel spillage, and dumping of paint by contractor, both reported to Environment Agency;
acquired portrait of King Charles III (displayed in Village Hall);
begun to revamp welcome letter for all new residents in the village; and
begun efforts to replace the Clerk following his resignation.
If any resident has a query about any of the above activities, or has a suggestion for tasks which the Parish Council could undertake to support the village moving forward, please feel free to contact the Clerk (Andrew Glover) on 07968 486729 or