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Parish Council Precept - 2025/26


Each year, the Parish Council is obliged to consider whether to raise its precept (the sum of money that Parish Councils charge their local electors to meet their budget requirements). Parish Councils are not funded by central or local government, and as such the precept is the primary means of income generation.

At their meeting in November 2024, parish councillors discussed the rate at which the precept for the forthcoming financial year should be set. Members unanimously agreed to raise the level of precept for 2025/26 by 5%, or £443 (from £8867 to £9310). As ever, the decision to raise the precept was not an easy one, with parish councillors very aware of the financial pressures to which residents are subject. (Whilst less severe than in recent years, the rate of inflation - as calculated under the Consumer Price Index - has still risen by 2.6% in the 12 months to September 2024).

In reaching their decision, members noted that:

  • unlike some other parish councils, West Bradford Parish Council does not carry a high level of savings (known as reserves) which it can dip into when required; and

  • the Parish Council is likely to incur significant capital outlay over the coming year, arising from (i) the intended purchase of 3 new stone entrance signs at the arterial access points to the village, and (ii) proposed celebrations in May 2025 to mark the 80th anniversary of VE Day).

Finally, parish councillors wish to emphasise that - for each of the 380 Band D (Council Tax) households in the parish - the 5%% rise in precept would result in payments increasing by only £1.41 per household for 2025/26, with each household then paying a precept of £24.50.

The Parish Council remains committed to working hard for residents over future years. If any resident has concerns at the proposed rise, or would wish to express any views on the increase, please feel free to contact the Clerk at


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