Dear residents
Over recent months, the Parish Council has received a number of complaints from residents about vehicles exceeding the speed limit on Grindleton Rd, a concern which poses particular risk for school children and users of the playground at the Village Hall. As a result of these concerns, the Chair of the Parish Council (Cllr Andrew Bristol), met before Christmas with the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire (Mr Andy Pratt) to discuss the problem.
Following these discussions, the Parish Council has erected a Speed Indicator Device (SpID) on Grindleton Road. This will be displayed in the village for a 2 week period, during which time it will be re-located to ensure maximum coverage. Data on traffic speeds gathered by the SpID will be presented to members at a future meeting of the Parish Council, and will inform a discussion on any next steps. Subject to what the data gathered may reveal, it is hoped that a co-ordinated exercise to combat speeding vehicles can be arranged as the weather improves. However, residents will be informed of any such exercise nearer the time.
The photo above shows Mr Pratt with the Clerk to the Parish Council in front of the SpID.