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Update - vehicles speeding through the village

Residents will recall that, following receipt of complaints about speeding vehicles on Grindleton Rd, the Parish Council hired a Speed Indicator Device (SpID) from Altham Parish Council. The SpID was used between 10-24 January 2022, and measured the speed of traffic through the village from both the directions of both Grindleton and Waddington.

The outcomes of this exercise were presented to the Parish Council on 2 March, and members asked that the main findings be put on the website for residents to see. The main conclusions from the exercise are as follows:

Traffic flow from Grindleton would appear to pose the greater problem. When compared to traffic from the Waddington direction, the camera facing towards Grindleton recorded:

  • a higher average vehicle speed (28.7mph vs 21.6mph);

  • a higher 85th percentile speed (34.6mph vs 28.1mph);

  • a higher percentage of vehicles exceeding the 30mph speed limit (40% vs 7%); and

  • a higher maximum recorded speed (60mph vs 50mph).


  • the average speeds of vehicles exceeding the speed limit were similar whichever direction they came from (c33%); and

  • the camera facing Grindleton was erected first, thereby perhaps having a knock-on deterrent effect on drivers subsequently travelling from Waddington.

Parish Councillors may repeat the SpID exercise at a future date, and in the short term will continue to adopt a watching brief on the problem. Members continue to explore a range of solutions to alleviate the issue, including working with the County’s Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner and obtaining further signage advising drivers to adhere to the speed limit.

If any resident should have further concerns about the issue of speeding, please feel free to contact the Clerk at any time on

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