The Parish Council has a number of projects in the pipeline for the next 12 months. These include:
making further improvements to the Coronation Gardens site, which we see as becoming a focal point for civic life in the village. We would like to use it to display the Best Kept Village plaques, have a display area for commemorative wreaths and maybe even a flagpole for use on ceremonial occasions. We are also aware that the site would benefit from the addition of bedding plants, which we hope to arrange in early Spring
aiming to launch a new, modern and interactive website to promote both the parish council and wider local activities. This would complement the existing Village Hall website, but also allow for more general discussion and blogging as well as highlighting community groups
improving road safety is paramount and unfortunately Improvements to the road surface can encourage motorists to speed. We are looking at the purchase of a Speed Indicator Device to show motorists their speed near the Village Hall.