The Parish Council is proud of its village and amenities, and endeavours to ensure everything is done to maintain it as a pleasant place to live.
We keep in close contact with County Council Highways and report any maintenance required on highways, Bradford Bridge, walls etc. The Parish Council employs a lengthsman to carry out general tidying / maintenance duties as requested by the Parish Council, particularly over the summer months.
Ribble Valley Borough Council consults the Parish Council on planning applications submitted for the Parish. Plans are considered by Councillors, if an application is felt to be inappropriate reasons are given to back up the decision. However, the final decision rests with the Borough Council as Local Planning Authority.
The Parish Council tries to maintain footpaths around the village through the work of the lengthsman or by reporting any major concerns to the County Council. We work to ensure that gates, signs etc are kept in good order.
The Parish Council sets an annual budget to monitor levels of spend. The financial year runs from 1 April to 31 March. From this the Precept is determined, and a request for payment made to the Borough Council. The Precept forms the basis of the Parish Council’s income.
The parish Council awards grants annually throughout the year to local organisations which are felt to benefit the village. The level of award is determined by Councillors on an ad hoc basis.
Amenities owned and maintained by the Parish Council:
War memorial:
Erected in 2018, with a significant contribution from residents and local organisations.
Parcels of land:
The Parish Council owns and maintains a number of small pockets of land around the village, including the Coronation Gardens and Pinfold (the former being intended to be developed as a focal point for the village).
A number of benches / seats are situated in various positions around the village.
The Parish Council is responsible (with the considerable assistance of a local resident) for the upkeep of the defibrillator located at the junction of Grindleton Rd / Westfield.